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Monday, May 20, 2013

No Rest for The Wicked

The episode gets bizarre right from the rip; we see one of the advertising agencies account representatives, Ken Cosgrove speeding in a Chevy Impala with a bunch of drunken Chevy executives.  One has a hand gun pointed out the window shooting at mail boxes the other is covering the driver’s eyes as another pushes Ken to drive faster.  Ken comes home all banged up from a car accident and gives the news that Chevy isn’t happy with anything the firm has done for the advertising campaign and that they need to keep working thru the weekend for another idea. 

Jim Cutler, a new addition in the merger brings in his doctor to inject some of the employees with a serum so they will have the energy to work thru the weekend.  I don’t know what the serum was or what it had in it but all of a sudden the episode got very crazy.  Don took his shot and then began hallucinating about his childhood.  He had images of when he was a teenager and was living in the brothel with his step mom.  He had a bad fever and he was nursed back to health by one of the prostitutes in the brothel, she gave him soup, gave him a place to rest and then later when he was feeling better she took from him his virginity.  No wonder Don is so screwed up with women, he was raised in a brothel and his 1st sexual encounter was a prostitute taking his innocence from him.  Here is a good pic on the creative advertising duo of Don and Peggy during better not drug indused days. 

Don does snap out of the day dream but he’s still on the drugs, he’s scurrying around the office ripping ads from magazines.  He thinks he has a great idea for Chevy but can’t quite explain it, he’s been up for days straight and he hasn’t been home at all.  His wife Megan goes out for the night and leaves his 3 kids who are with him for the weekend alone with Sally his oldest daughter who is a teenager.  The apartment gets broken into by a woman who claims she’s Dons grandmother.  The woman tells the kids to relax and then starts stealing a bunch of things from the apartment.  When Don finally comes home from days of being away in the office on drugs working with no sleep he comes home to find his ex wife, her husband, the police along with all of the kids and his current wife Megan in the apartment talking over the burglary.  Don says nothing and then passes out face 1st on the floor in front of all of them. 

Some of the other highlights from the episode were the creepy way Don was standing in the hallway smoking cigarettes listening to his ex lover in her apartment, she calls him and tells him to leave her alone.  Finally later in the episode Don snaps out of his love/lust for her and runs into her in the elevator and says nothing at all.  No hello, no tears, no begging, all business.  We also see Peggy back in the mix at the office working away the weekend not on drugs, Ted Chaugh was off all weekend a the funeral of his old friend and colleague he used to work with.  Roger Sterling whom is one of my favorite characters makes a few appearances; he has the line of the episode where he tells a gaunt looking Don Draper, “You need to get some rest, your face looks like a bag of walnuts”. 


  1. After your blog started i was intrigued by this TV show and decided to try and start watching. I was so lost i had to go back to Netflix and start watching from the beginning. Now i cant get enough of this show. I was also amazed to find this excellent show on AMC the same place as The Walking Dead, they have some excellent shows that so few people watch because they are not on the major networks.

  2. Both shows are very well written. I did the same thing with Netflix, went back and watched from the start. Those early episodes are excellent. Enjoy.

  3. that sounds like a crazy episode!

  4. This show is crazy drama - but in a good way. You made me also Netflix it - Addicting!!
